Things haven't been progressing too quickly this week.
I lost an entire day doing my holiday cards. My address spread sheet disappeared when my MS Office expired, so I needed to create a new one in Google Docs to merge with a mailing label wizard. Of course, I could have hand written them in a quarter of the time all this took place, but I was determined to have those printed labels--doh!
If you have the time, make yourself a cup of tea and read Mike's ruminations on greeting cards
HERE--hilarious! I subscribe to his blog posts A Bit About Britain, because I love reading about the British places I will never be lucky enough to visit in person. Very educational!
The Thimblecreek mystery top is all together and ready to quilt--hooray! I just noticed you can see a little peek of another of Joe's designs hanging behind it--Ryokan. It also has checkerboard sashing, but a bit bigger--it's definitely his thing. Hopefully, it will get quilted in 2016--it's not looking like I will get to it this year! |
My current UFO will get finished as long as nothing dire occurs. I'm about half way through the quilting on this one. |
My Mrs. Billing's rosettes are almost all appliqued in place, and I should be able to finish them up tonight. I hope you find time to do a little stitching today! Linking with Slow Sunday Stitching HERE |