This week has been pretty crazy--hard to believe it's only Wednesday! I've already had my teeth cleaned, my wrists injected with cortisone, and my hair cut. What I haven't done is any sewing. I'm in the process of rearranging my sewing room, literally moving every single thing but my design wall (which may get moved yet). Lots of cleaning, sorting and purging has been going on, and I am pretty happy with the new layout. My only problem is finding a good set up spot for my printer/laptop. I am way behind on my internet quilt trolling--lol!
I did get some things accomplished while at quilt camp--a few more 4"x 5" Anthology blocks. They are pretty fun to make and so darn cute since they are so little. |
A few more string blocks for Jamestown Landing got added to the pile--I need a lot more of these before I can start making blocks. Another border for Mrs. Billing was finished too! Unfortunately, the next border I need to attach is going to have to be hand sewn--way to many Y seams for me to machine sew! |
I also got the diamond pieced bottoms of my Cherry Baskets sewn at camp. When I got home, I prepped the handle units using a piece of freezer paper ironed to the backgrounds. |
Before I left for camp, I prepped a lot of cherries and leaves and drew up an overlay from preview paper for general placement. I'm not being too exact on where the applique goes as long as it's in the neighborhood--lol! At least I've been able to get a little hand stitching in in the evenings but I'm afraid it will be a while before I'm back to some serious piecing..... back to the big do-over! |