I've ordered in my package of 1500 half inch paper hexagon pieces, I've prepared my fabrics, and I'm ready to settle in for the fourth episode of
World Without End on the
Reelz channel tonight. Actually, I probably won't be doing any sewing, because I don't want to miss a second of the scheming, plotting, double crossing and all the rest of the crazy evil doings going on in Kingsbridge, England.
Say what?? You haven't been watching???
That's okay, because it's not too late!
Set your DVR and get ready for a wild ride complete with witch burning, pillorying, hangings, poisonings, the plague, adultery, and so much more.
World Without End on Reelz has been adapted from the second book in the Pillars of the Earth series by
Ken Follett. The Pillars of the Earth mini-series was shown on Reelz earlier this year. The World Without End mini-series started in September, but
they will be re-running all four episodes this coming Saturday afternoon/evening, and all eight hours again on Sunday morning/afternoon. Check your listings to be sure of when it's running in your area.
I don't usually watch the Reelz channel but I happened to stumble across the Pillars of the Earth mini-series last winter that had originally been produced for another premium cable channel. Apparently it was successful--I believe the World Without End series was made for the Reelz channel. There were also a couple of companion programs hosted by Ken Follett about life in the Middle Ages and women of the Middle Ages. Hopefully those will be shown again at some point--both hours were very interesting and informative.

Another fun program Reelz has produced is Bomb Girls. It stars Meg Tilly and is about a a group of women working in a munitions factory in California during WWII. It's fun to see the clothing and habits of the "Rosie the Riveter" generation. I'm guessing the first season will be re-run before the second season starts. I'll try to give you a head's up if that happens. If you have been watching Call the Midwife, you will probably like Bomb Girls--kind of a similar time period, but not as quaint, obviously, because it takes place in America, after all!