Thanks to everyone that let me know my photos were a no-show in my last post. It's a complete mystery to me what happened because, weirdly, I can see them from all my devices--go figure! The pictures were taken from my iPhone, so perhaps Blogger was unhappy about that? Anyway, if you would still like to see yesterday's photos (and you do!!) I have put them in my Flickr album
Last week my sister Cathy was here from California for a short visit. We were in my sewing room when she asked me where I cut my fabric.
Ha! Good question!!
Okay, I had a huge mess and piles of stuff that needed to be sorted out.
I'm participating in a block swap that will take place in October, and these fabrics were in the heap. We are using Laundry Basket fabrics--a print for the star and a batik for the background. The star is from a Terry Atkinson pattern that she graciously allowed us to use for the swap. I decided I better get my blocks made before I lose the fabrics in the tidying process--something that happens to me a lot!! |
I had completely forgotten about these How Does Your Garden Grow blocks until I found them under the pile. I got them all sewn together on Sunday so I could pin it up at the quilt shop to get a good photo. Of course, I took that photo with my phone. You can see the better photo at Flickr than this one I took this morning. There's a lot of border applique needed before it will be finished. |
I finally finished piecing part one of the new ThimbleCreek mystery. Sixty four pieces in a 6 inch block--yikes! There wasn't a new clue this week, so I have until next week to get part two finished. BTW--I see that the first mystery pattern is for sale on the website for $31! If you plan to make the quilt (named All Around Town), I hope you printed out the patterns while they were still available for free! |
I found my "note-to self" for the Temecula Summer Sampler--now I'm back on schedule and just have this weeks blocks to sew up.
I am sweating bullets and keeping my fingers crossed that yesterday was a fluke and today you will see pictures!! |