Thursday, June 6, 2013

Adding A Flange/Piping to Your Quilt Binding

I've added piping to several of my quilts just to add a little interest.  
In the case of Gentle Arts, it seemed like my stripe binding was a little busy next to my borders, so I decided to put in a little solid to separate the stripes and prints. 

I cut a 3/4" strips of solid red fabric.
Press in half matching raw edges. Use lots of Best Press to get a sharp fold!

Make enough to go around the whole quilt--the same measurement as your binding.
Technically, this may not be piping as there isn't cording inside of it--flange maybe? 
Attach it to the raw edge of the quilt using tiny dots of basting glue.
Using pins distorts the piping and it gets wonky. 
At the corners, there's no need to do any mitering. 
Just trim even with the quilt edge and overlap the piece for the adjacent side. 
Continue all around the quilt edge. 
Attach your binding as usual from the front using a quarter inch seam allowance.
When you turn the binding to the back, your flange will be revealed! 


  1. Great technique! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to try it sometime. Soon I hope!

  2. That slim, trim little flange is the perfect divider between your binding (LOVE striped bias binding) and the quilt. Great tutorial. Thanks.

  3. great tutorial I love the look of the piping/flange adds to the look.

  4. The piping really adds a nice look to your quilt!

  5. Wow -- that's something I want to try!

  6. Isn't that flange a gorgeous effect!

  7. I am going to try this!!! So glad you linked this up under bindings...thank you for sharing!!!
