It took several retreats, but I finally finished my Devil's Claw blocks--yay! These will go together to make the cover quilt from Civil War Remembered by the Country Threads ladies. The pattern in the book calls for 30 blocks, but I wanted mine to be a bit larger, so I made 42 blocks. This project will probably have wait to be put together until April when I will be at quilt camp again. |
It took almost the entire retreat to finish those Devil's Claw blocks, but on the last day I was able to work on some Fractured blocks. These were very fun to make-- a lot less labor intensive than a Devil's Claw block, for sure and a much better stash burner! |
You probably knew that I couldn't resist putting all of the flowers on my Flower Garden Crazy mat!
I won't be doing the stitching on it for a while, though.
I am still doing my Slow Stitching on How Does Your Garden Grow, but I'm sure everyone is tired of seeing what little progress I've made on that project!
Linking with Slow Sunday Stitching HERE