Even though it was a crazy month for me, and I felt like I wasn't making any progress on my many projects, looking back I guess I didn't do too badly!
My August UFO was finished the first week of the month. I realized that if I got it done, I could take it along to my Bonnie Hunter class for what she calls Show and Share. Easy Street was my August One Monthly Goal project. |
In my rush to get it finished (and because I didn't look forward to having a huge quilt on my lap in the August heat) I finished the binding with a blanket stitch rather than hand stitching it in place. |
Yes, I did the old standby super fast quilting.....Cinnamon Rolls! |
These are the three fabrics I pieced together for the back. I strategically placed the blue where I would be able to salvage most of it for later use--lol! |
I almost forgot about my Primitive Garden Facebook block until the middle of the month. I wasn't sure I would have time to finish this one, so I planned to just ink in the words on the seed packet. The applique went pretty quickly, so I had plenty of time to do the embroidery. |
I worked really hard to hand piece and set in the half stars for the side edges of my Texas Star quilt. I wanted so badly to get this all together and it finally happened--yeehaw! |
And thanks to a very rainy weekend, I managed to hand piece the last corner of Border 10 on
Mrs. Billings. Those corners were crazy! I'm soooo happy to have this round finished--on to the next one!!
I had thought to have time this month to work on my blocks from the Bonnie Hunter class and also to make a few more 4"x5" Anthology blocks, but there's always next month!