Friday, November 15, 2013

Almost Famous?

Earlier this fall, our local PBS station, Lakeland Public TV visited our third Tuesday sewing group: the Breezy Point quilters (I don't think we have an official name, actually). The station produces an arts program named Common Ground. The segment that was taped the day they visited aired last night!

 If you have some time on your hands, you can watch our segment HERE. You may have to scroll down a bit--search for Breezy Point. There are three links: one to the full episode, just our segment and a teaser. 

Pelican Lakes Conservation Club

We meet each month (with the exception of summer months) at the Pelican Lake Conservation Club. Our group started as an off-shoot of the Lakes Area quilt guild Pinetree Patchworker's, but anyone that enjoys sewing and some chit-chat is welcome to come join in on the fun. We start sewing at 9 am and go until 4 pm. Most of us bring a bag lunch and sometimes there are treats to share. There's a sub shop nearby for those that prefer not to brown bag it. Sandi always has the coffee going!

When a Cold Wind Blows
Since the Conservation Center is right in my neighborhood, I usually just pop over with some hand work for the day. I've basted a lot of hexies there and  made lots of progress on Words to Live ByI'm not sure how many meetings I did the starching and applique on these baskets, but I'm sure everyone was as sick to death seeing them as I was working on them!!


  1. I watched Common Ground and enjoyed it very much. I was particularly touched by the story the man told about finishing his wife's quilts. It was fun to see you too.

  2. The video was fun to watch! It's a neat, diverse group. Thanks for sharing.
